
Cyber Security Education Knowledgebase



“If you think technology can solve your security problems, then you don‘t understand the problems and you don’t understand the technology.”

Bruce Schneier 1996 in ”Applied Cryptography 2nd edition”


  • HACKERS ARE USED AS A MULTIFUNCTIONAL POLITICAL WEAPON IN THE US-RUSSIAN RELATIONS.Evil Corp which also goes by the name REvil, and is also known as Evil Corp, is one of the largest multi-national cybercrime networks which is famous for stealing millions of dollars from different bank accounts worldwide. This organization has been internationally recognized as a dangerous and most harmful hacking group in the world. The […]October 12, 2021
  • BRITAIN’S 10 YEAR PLAN FOR AI DOMINANCEOn the 22nd of September, the UK launched its latest national strategy to deal with the benefits and challenges related to artificial intelligence. Britain’s “National AI Strategy” outlines a “10 year plan to make Britain a global AI superpower”, in order to compete with rivals such as the US and China. Strategic drivers identified such […]October 8, 2021
  • DO REGULATORS NEED TO START TAKING ARTIFICIAL GENERAL INTELLIGENCE RESEARCH MORE SERIOUSLY?Machine learning, better known as artificial intelligence, has received a lot of publicity in recent years. While the origins of the concept have roots in science fiction literature, research and technological innovations in the field of machine learning have consistently broken through the preconceptions of what we thought was possible merely decades ago. The emergence […]September 21, 2021
  • ONLINE SCAMS: FROM PHISHING EMAILS TO FAKE APPSThe COVID-19 Pandemic has shown the dual-sided nature of cyberspace. While it enabled people from across the globe to get connected it also has several pitfalls. The connectivity through various apps ensured various activities can be done smoothly. At the same time, there are reports of fake apps and websites which target mobile internet users. […]September 17, 2021
  • CHINA MAKES FIRST MOVE TO REGULATE ALGORITHMSThe Chinese cyberspace administration, the CAC, announced a move to regulate social media. On 27th August, the CAC released a draft proposal titled “Internet Information Service Algorithmic Recommendation Management Provisions“, which seems to be the world’s first attempt to regulate online algorithms and recommendation systems. Technology is a huge part of modern life, and entire […]September 11, 2021
  • ONLINE SECURITYOnline security is something most of us use on a daily basis – sometimes we don’t even know we are using it! It is commonly used by websites to keep your personal information as safe as possible. Some websites and services apply their security by asking for your email address and other contact details which […]September 9, 2021
  • THE INCREDIBLE RISE OF DPRK’S CYBER WARFAREThe military doctrine of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea relies heavily on deliberate deception and denial operations. Their cyber capabilities despite the banning of any internet services all over the state, apart from their native intranet “Kwangmyong”, has been said to be rather longitudinal; it has gained notoriety for its past hacking activities, most […]September 1, 2021
  • CYBER ESPIONAGE: AN OVERVIEWSpying for political or economic gains is not new and it is practised since ancient times. Chanakya who is otherwise known as Kautilya in his book Arthashastra emphasizes the importance of spying and how it gives a competitive advantage. Not much has changed even after the passing of many centuries. During Cold War, both the […]August 31, 2021

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